Category : siteupdate
Rethinking the handling of dark mode
Those familiar with this site and myself know of my obsession with dark mode: I have a dark background on my terminal, I install dark usercss for sites I frequent, I make dark-mode-first PDFs, and I configured by PDF viewer to recolor documents to be dark by default. For 2019 to be the year of dark mode, I felt like I was truly blessed by whatever omnipotent deity there is.
With 2019 now in the past, I figured it’s probably a good time to revisit how I’ve did my color scheme swapping. I recognize that it wasn’t a good idea to load all of my styles in one file, have two completely separate files with a lot of similarities, and swap the two “big” files while changing themes. There were two reasons why I employed that decision;
- CSS variables was not widely used at the time; and
- CSS preprocessors do not work very well with CSS variables.
Site Makeover - Let's go Tufte style!
Granted, this is a pretty late post for something that I have completed a month ago now, but let’s see what I can cover.
I will be honest and come out saying that the last design was basically not my design at all, but rather a stepping stone for myself to get familiar with the new landscape of web designing and web technologies. It was the standard Bootstrap-y layout/theme, one that has become the de facto standard design of the web, one that has recently become a design chided by those that are familiar as the style of the lazy, or the style of business sites.
Revamped Site Comment System
This post is written using terminal vim, with i3-gaps as tiling manager, all on an XOrg server on a Windows OS But I shall leave that in another post to talk about.
Site Update 2
Here’s to my little celebration over my various achievements efforts in bringing nice little updates to my site.
All this while I further procrastinate from actually writing anything.
Site Update 1
Our title may say Site Update #1 but the blog is already nearing its stabilizing stages.
So here’s a little music for celebration, as you continue on reading this post.