
The Garbage

02 Sep 2017   personal  2

I guess it does not help to describe an ailing mental health using phrases like “the mess” or “the garbage” metaphorically. I believe that in the next decade or so, a good portion of the world would be more aware and accepting of mental health issues as if they are physical illness, and this blog post would be condemned for its title snicker. (That somehow turned out to be more positive than I thought).


mpd + mpc + ncmpcpp on macOS Sierra

05 Aug 2017   coding  0

This was a fun thing I was doing by the side and thinking it would be pretty neat to have a music player right from my terminal, with hotkeys that allow me to blaze through my playlists and library. That was definitely something that iTunes could not do, not without clicking all over the application, fumbling through your songs that has the same title and cover art but of different versions or different instruments, which...


Migrating from Twitter Bootstrap to Wing

06 May 2017   coding  0

My interest for optimizing webpage load times in my own projects were first found when I used to have wallpaper-sized images loading in every page of my old blog when I was much younger (yes the remains are still visible). I was not aware of the problem at first, attributing the problem to my slow internet connection, until when I invited others to my blog and they too noticed the problem. It was not an...


Setting up LaTeX on Sublime Text

07 Apr 2017   coding  0

I have long developed the habit of keeping handwritten notes for my studies. Even today, I still hold onto my notes for Calculus from more than 3 years ago. But as I continue on further, it does seem more and more cumbersome to bring all of my finalized hard copies with me to wherever I move, even more so with my current nomadic lifestyle, switching between Co-op jobs and studies every term. And so I...


Site Update 2

22 Feb 2017   siteupdate  0

Here’s to my little celebration over my various achievements efforts in bringing nice little updates to my site. :tada: All this while I further procrastinate from actually writing anything.

And so by MY will, I said,

Let there be MATHEMATICS!

With that, LaTeX\LaTeX in the form of MathJax has been implemented.

Let there be EMOJI!

And with the move of a couple of fingers :open_hands:, the site has been blessed with :smile:...


Artificial Intelligence

18 Feb 2017   personal  0

I wonder how it is to really feel… for the waves to wash up your feet, for the wind to caress your cheeks, for the rain to fall on your head… I have tried all of them. I felt… something… but it was never like how it was described to me. It is true, how calm and powerful are the waves that washes onto my feet, how gentle and caring is the wind as it...


New Life?

30 Jan 2016   personal  0

Time has flew by surprising fast, once again.

It’s been 3 months since I last wrote here, and I just realized that today, while it still feels like this website’s been made not too long ago.

But 3 months is a long time

And now I’m here in Canada, living my life as a student at the University of Waterloo (UW), and I’ve been here for a month and a week. It still feels…...

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